
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
Tutorial - Making Global Map Backgrounds
Author Posted on 2017/04/13
SGC Yellow Now, I'm sure most of you must know what I'm talking about,
those backgrounds you see on the bottom screen when you're using the second map button.
They usually have Mushrooms, Flowers, or Stars on them, but I'm here to tell you how to make your very own!

Things you'll need:

An Image editor like Paint.NET "MS Paint will not work for this".




Now, you might say "But can't I just generate entierly new NCGR, NCSR, and NCLR files in MKDSCM?"
Well, no you can't if you do it that way, the backgound will only look corrupted, no matter what settings you use.

But, I have found a way around this limitation.

1. Open your MKDS ROM with NSMBe, and open the CourseTex.carc file of the course you want to change the backgound on.
The files for the background should be labled as "Global2" followed by the file extension.
Open the NCLR file, and make sure the "16 Color" option is turned on, then open your NCGR file,
and clikc "Add all" in the Palette Viewer.

Now in the 2D Texture Editor, make sure you have "View in 4pbb format" turned on,
and select "global2.NCLR - 1" in thr Palettes list in the 2D Texture Editor, and set the "Tile Width" to 4.
What you have should look something like this:

2. Now then you should click "Export this Bitmap".
Then in your image editor of choice (again it cannot be MS Paint, because it doesn't support trasnparency),
draw your new design in place of the old pattern, but don't drawn anything in the transperent segment of the image.

3. Now open MKDSCM generate an NCLR file, and an NCGR file, then delete the NCGR file,
because we only need to NCLR file.
(It doesn't matter what option you choose when you generated things, so don't worry about that).
Now, open the NCLR file in MKDSCM, and edit it, just copy the colours to the second row, starting from the right side.
(This is because the pallete data for the background is read from the second row in the NCLR file).
Save our edited NCLR file, and extract it to a place on your PC.

4.After you've done all that, repeat all the same steps from step 1, but this time, replace the original NCLR file,
with your edited one, and click "Import this bit map with exsisting palette" locate your edited image,
and save. (You'll get an error, but don't worry, it works, it has no side effects, and it still saves.

And now you're done!

Here's an example of a result: