
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
How to create an NSBTX for Custom Characters that is compatible with face animations
Author Posted on 2017/09/04
SGC Yellow Tutorial by Yawshi, ported to the forums by me with his permission.
Tutorial for 3DS Max 2011

Note: If your character's face is in the same material as their body, skip everything to do with "p_main", because you won't need it,
if that is the case.

1. Open the material editor and make 2 materials; one NITRO Standard and one NITRO Morpher.

2. Double click on the NITRO Morpher Material and rename it to "P_face".

3. Double click on the NITRO Standard Material and rename it to "P_main".

4. Add a new bitmap for the body texture and name it "P_main".

5. Link the "P_main" bitmap to the "Diffuse Color" of the "P_main" material by connecting the circles.

6. Select the "P_main" material by double clicking on it. Then go to the viewport and select the object which you want to assign the material to. After you have done this return to the material editor and click this button to assign the material to your selection.

7. With the material selected click this button to make it visible in the viewport.

8. Now look at the NITRO Morpher material. At the bottom you should see a map called "Base". There should be a standard material connected to it called "Default Material". Double click on it and delete it.

9. Now create a new NITRO Standard material and call it "P_face.1".

10. Create a new bitmap and select the texture which you want to use for the default face. Rename it to "P_face.1".

11. Link the newly created "P_face.1" bitmap to the diffuse channel of the "P_face.1" material.

12. Link the "P_face.1" material to the "Base" map of the "P_face" NITRO Morpher material.

13. Now go back to the top of the NITRO Morpher material. Create a new NITRO Standard material and name it "P_face.2".

14. Create a new bitmap and select the texture you want to use for the lose/damaged face. Name it "P_face.2".

15. Link the newly created bitmap to the diffuse channel of the "P_face.2" material.

16. Link the "P_face.2" material to the "Mat 1" map of the "P_face" NITRO Morpher material.

17. Select the "P_face" NITRO Morpher material by double clicking on it. Then go to the viewport and select the object which you want to assign the material to. After you have done this return to the material editor and click this button to assign the material to your selection.

18. To make it visible in the viewport, select the "P_face.1" (base material) and click this button.

19. Export your IMD and convert it to nsbmd and nsbtx.

20. Open the nsbtx and check the correct textures are present.

21. As you can see the correct textures are present however the texture names were changed to "P_face_1" and "P_face_2" instead of "P_face.1" and "P_face.2".

22. To fix this open the nsbtx in a hex editor and locate where it says "P_face_1" and "P_face_2".

23. Change these to "P_face.1" and "P_face.2".

24. Now locate where it says "P_face_1_pl" and "P_face_2_pl".

25. Change these to "P_face.1_pl" and "P_face.2_pl".

26. Now save it and reopen the NSBTX in MKDS CM. You should see that the texture names are now correct meaning that the NSBTX is now compatible with face animations.

27. Now all you need to do is edit the texture names in the NSBMD file. Open it in a hex editor and locate where it says "P_face_1".

28. Change it to "P_face.1".

29. Now locate "P_face_1_pl".

30. Change it to "P_face.1_pl" and then save the NSBMD. The NSBMD should now be compatible with the NSBTX file you just created.