
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
User 355
User ID: 355

Thread: New Members thread
Author Posted on 2016/10/23
User 355 I suppose I should make a post here since this is a new account which technically makes me a new member.

I'm PotatoesAreUs, I used to frequent DSHack from 2009-2012. If you've ever heard of "Mario Kart Mega" then that was me, although I went by the name Spyrosbiggestfan5678 back then. I still have the files for that ROM hack somewhere. It predates custom tracks and MK7. It's primitive, lol.

There's more "interesting" info in my profile bio, to save you the rambling in here.

Anyway yeah, you probably won't see me doing much hacking but I do find the idea of Nyanland rather inviting, so I'll see you there! :)