
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
User ID: 558

Thread: [TUTORIAL] How to add custom sfx (Voices , race sounds , etc.)
Author Posted on 2017/07/27
Endromonus Hi, um do you know what the sound for the race music is? (Example : Bowser's Castle = STRM_CN_KOOPA_CASTLE_N(or F))
Thread: [TUTORIAL] How to add custom sfx (Voices , race sounds , etc.)
Author Posted on 2017/08/06
Endromonus @PabloMK7
The "race music," is the music you hear when racing in a track. Like how in Toad Circuit your going to hear the Toad Circuit theme.
Thread: First video game ever played
Author Posted on 2017/09/27
Endromonus The first game I have played was Transformers Animated : The Game on the DS Lite.
I remember playing it so much when I was a kid.
Now I don't even know where I put the game, but I probably sold it to Game Stop to make a couple of pennies or traded it with a friend for a different game.