
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
User 660
User ID: 660

Thread: Falling through custom courses?
Author Posted on 2018/04/11
User 660 This is my first time importing a custom track in Mario Kart DS. I made a track using Blender, used MKDS Course Modifier to convert it into an NSBMD and generate both an NSBTX texture pack and a KCL collision file. I replaced all the parts of Figure-8 Circuit with my new custom files. Everything loads as it should, the model, the textures, the music, but I fall through my stage. What am I doing wrong? inb4 "blender is the issue". If using Blender is somehow magically causing one tiny error in an otherwise perfect conversion, then I need a way to circumvent said singular tiny issue, not replace the program in use. I'm absolutely not using SketchUp to make custom maps. That's ridiculous.
Thread: Falling through custom courses?
Author Posted on 2018/04/11
User 660
Try flipping the faces of the road in Blender, by pressing Ctrl+F, and then clicking "Flip Normals". Make sure the road faces/tris are selected.

I made very certain throughout the creation of the map that the normals were facing the direction they needed to be facing. Walls point in-ward to boundaries, floors face upward so the player can drive on them, normals are not an issue. I have experience with one-sided polygons through working on SM64. Thanks for replying, though.

Quick question, though, cause I think this might be the source of the issue; Do KCL files have actual 3-Dimensional collision data? Or do they ONLY store information about material behavior? If its 3D data as well as material behavior, then I think the level geometry is being upscaled without the KCL also being upscaled. Even so, I realigned the start point to be above the KCL's data using EFE, so it should be colliding even with the inaccurate collision data. Anyone have thoughts on this as well?