
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
How can I edit/change the background of character select screen?
Author Posted on 2018/07/13
User 694 Thanks :)
Author Posted on 2018/07/13
SGC Yellow Tools such as NSMBe5, and Crystal Tile 2, and MKDSCM can be used to edit the Menu in MKDS,
I couldn't tell you how exactly, since it's been so long since I used those tools for that,
but hopefully someone here might be able to give you some specifics.
Author Posted on 2018/07/30
Kitty Remilya Ambiance The background is in GeneralMenu.carc:

back_screen_X_b_00.nclr (palette)
back_screen_X_b_00.ncgr (texture)
back_screen_X_b_00.nscr (tile model)

Replace X with "m" for top screen and "s" for bottom screen.